Everything is getting easier and easier with the contribution of science. Something is being discovered every day due to the relentless hard work of scientists.
Science has branched out and research and discovery are going on. Astronomy, physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, geology, humanities, and many other subjects have been and are being successfully researched.
In fact, all discoveries are made out of necessity or demand. And for this, there is no alternative to know and research. Many discoveries in science are unforgettable.
Again, this science has been tested at various times, which can only be said in one word, strange. According to a recent report published in Anandabazar newspaper, find out about several such strange, terrifying scientific studies.
- Scientists conducted a strange experiment to measure the heart rate of people just before death. On October 31, 1938, scientists attached a sensor to a man’s wrist. He was then shot dead.
- A team of scientists tested a trained dog to understand how loyal dogs are to humans. The dog was given an electric shock if it did not follow the correct command. The amount of shock was increased a little for each mistake. Seeing the condition of the dog, several people left the experiment without further participation.
- Experiments have been done many times to see what happens when an electric shock is applied to the dead body. But perhaps the worst occurred in 1803.
A 120-volt electric shock is administered to a dead body in a large theater. The shock causes the corpse to deform and shake upright on the stage. Several spectators fainted from fear. - When a human child grows up among animals, his character is imprinted by animals. But the opposite is also true? To understand this, a scientist began breeding a baby chimpanzee with their child.
Both were not allowed to mix with anyone else. The results are strange. After nine months the baby starts behaving like a chimpanzee. The chimpanzee was then released into its environment and died a few days later. - Is it possible to control people through remote control? It is tested by chipping the head of a bull. Experiments started on humans after getting the expected results. Many people died in these experiments carried out in the sixties and seventies.
- In March 1970, scientists cut out the brain of a monkey and transplanted it into the body of another monkey. This monkey lived only one and a half days. Several monkeys died during the experiment. Many organizations protested against this terrible test.
- The famous doctor Ewin Cameron used a unique method in the treatment of schizophrenia. He claimed that if the brain of such a koro patient was forced to think well for a long time, the disease would be cured. As part of the treatment, Cameron would play music through headphones to the patient day after day. Instead of getting rid of the disease, other problems started.
- Stubbins Firth conducted a strange experiment to prove that yellow fever is not contagious. This early 19th-century physician used to induce vomiting in yellow fever patients to prove his point. Later, however, it was proved that Firth was not correct. This disease spreads through blood.
- In 1927, Ivanov, a scientist from the former Soviet Union, tried to make monkeys with humans. He stayed in Africa for many days to test. The experiment fails and Ivanov is jailed.
- After the French Revolution’s post-guillotine chapter, scientists wanted to see if it was possible to keep a dismembered brain alive. In 1928, a Soviet scientist succeeded in this experiment. He kept the severed head of a dog ‘alive’ through a special device. The ‘living’ brain was also shown in front of a group of scientists.
- Until a few years ago, homosexuality was seen as a disease. In 1970, a researcher at the University of Turan began an experiment to ‘normalize’ a gay man by electrocuting his head. The test failed, but the gay man was never found again.
- In 1954, Soviet scientist Demikov stunned the world with his discovery. He attached the head and right leg of a Spitz to the neck of a German Shepherd. To everyone’s surprise, the ‘dog’ appeared walking. Within a few days, however, the animal died.
- What happens if you give drugs to an elephant? In 1962, a group of scientists gave an elephant 297 milligrams of LSD to find out. The elephant died within an hour after being given the drug, about 3,000 times the human tolerance.
- The term cyborg is still not well known in the scientific community. At that time, a British scientist named Kevin Warwick inserted a microchip into his body and directly connected to the Internet. He was the first successful cyborg in the era of modern robots.
- The famous medieval physicist Paracelsus once tried to create a strange organism. In 1500, he attempted to fertilize human sperm and ovum by placing them in a horse’s stomach. The experiment was named hominculus. Needless to say, his experiment failed.
- In the early 20th century, an American scientist claimed to be able to determine the weight of the soul. Taking the weight of several individuals just before and after death, he concluded that the soul weighs 21 grams. However, scientists did not give importance to his opinion.
- In 1929, German scientist Werner Forsmann inserted a surgical catheter into the heart through his shoulder. Later he saw the X-ray in that condition. He was fired for this test. He later received the Nobel Prize in 1956 for the first successful cardiac catheterization.
- A scientist named Clarence Liuba experimented with continuous tickling on his child to understand whether people smile for physiological reasons when tickled, or laugh at others. At the time the child was given katukutu, no one else was there. After seven months of testing, it was found that people smile because of physiological reasons, not at others.
- Thomas Midgley Jr. is responsible for most of the pollution in the world today. He was the first to discover leaded gasoline. And to prove that it is harmless, wash your hands with it and smell it for a minute. Even though he didn’t have anything then, he got cancer later.
- In 1930, a California scientist named Robert Cornish claimed that he could bring the dead back to life. He tested the fox to prove his point. He injected the dead foxes with continuous blood and two injections of his invention. For a few moments the ‘life’ really returns to the foxes’ bodies. But after that, he never succeeded in this exam.